The Expert’s Halo

How to Get More Out of Your Experts So Associations Can Create Exceptional Products

Most professionals today belong to associations, which are expected to help them stay informed about the latest techniques and trends in their industries. Traditionally, that’s taken the form of journals and conferences. Now, associations are sharing expertise through webinars, video courses, augmented reality, short sims, and other innovative digital formats. 

If you’re producing educational products for an association, how do you tap the knowledge needed to create products that will help your learners practice and improve their skills? The solution: develop new approaches for engaging experts – uncovering their halos. 

 The Expert’s Halo by Jon Aleckson, PhD and Dian Schaffhauser is a practical guide for association executives and education staff to help you get more out of your member experts. Inside its pages you’ll find 10 case studies about how associations are building specialized online content in collaboration with experts.